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Golden Week Break

Volume 2 is out

Love Chihiro
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It's the shoujo quartet of the month
>kemono jihen
>ice barricade
Unironically. Completely seriously.

I love the Nue cover. Looks fucking amazing. Easily the best cover of the lot here, and the most eye catching too.
... shame it's about a character nobody likes.
Also i still think it looks like borderline color vomit.
>Kagurabachi Volume 2 is receiving a reprint on May 17

I wish
Yeah I think it looks really good, it's super colorful. I wonder if that arc reads better in tank format.

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YOASOBI will be singing the new Monogatari OP theme
End of an Era
Say good bye to those soulful characters openings and endings, /a/
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Theme songs for Monogatari mean the ED. This is the theme song for the new seasons. Don't worry, character songs aren't going anywhere.
Since when was Monogatari known for its linear storytelling?
No, because their songs are the same industry-machine-made-like thing used over and over again. Also, being popular doesn't mean something is good or bad by default.I used to like them, but after I watched their performances on YouTube, The First Take, I felt like, meh, just so-so, same color, boisterous, force some meaning in their works, always. Then what snapped me completely is the first OP of Frieren, totally gomi.
>nadeko slipping on my cum and dying
yoasobi is way better than lisa though that's not really a high bar to clear. Fuck lisa and her Alvin and chipmunks ass voice

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Gohan is always happy to see his dad, Goku, despite him being absent a lot.
Yet people argue whether he's a shit dad or not.
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... on opposite day. In reality, SHITrus The Cuck of Destruction fits pretty well.
Based prequel appreciator
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>bunch of delicious tasty food in the fridge
>a whole tray of cupcakes
>don't wanna put on weight
>can't wrap his head around people not liking multiple things
I could explain this shit to an elementary school child and he would get it. This is why skipping school is not good for you.
>no one who cares primarily about the people surrounding a work would suffer the ocean of criminal beaners surrounding this franchise. nor would they continue to put stock in it long after it's been clear toriyama is fucking through with the franchise and is only keeping it around because Toei wants your money.
That's cool and all but Toriyama wasn't sucking dicks on the side and crying about people shitting on his work. The tfs niggers are not even real men. Also extrapolating from the creators to the fanbase is the kind of fallacy that you seem to dislike.
>buu saga
shit right?
it's shit
see >>266156874

Anyway I dont disagree, Gohans animosity for his fathers neglect is an inversion of canon even if gokus bad parenting is portrayed AS IS in dbza. The entire Cell arc is about family and the legacy of humans, if we should put our future in the hands of machines, bioenengineered humans, or our children. the fact that toriyama walked that shit back to put goku back into the story was effectively a complete betrayal of the themes of that entire arc. anyone who seriously considers the shit that comes after worth discussing doesn't actually like the show.
i thought I was cringe for not hating TFS
I'm talking about season 1.

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"anime and manga" are the Japanese words for "comics are cartoons"
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To be fair most human translators also make no attempt at keeping the speech registers alive and make everyone sound the same.

When a character specifically references that another character is speaking like a farmer, they either simply replace that line with another irrelevant thing, or they make that character speak like that for like two lines before the comment and then stop, while that character had been speaking like that the entire time.
>Japanese itself doesn't have such words
I feel like this claim is wrong but I don't know enough Japanese to contest its accuracy
I'm sure it has at least one, and Japanese people do say “JPop” from time to time but it has far, far less than in English. People don't generally have these kinds of words about their own culture. Is there say any English word to:
>specifically denote an castle in England, like “chateau”
>specifically denote an English comic book, like “manga”.
>an English astronaut, like “cosmonaut”
>an English song like “chanson”
>an English bimbo, like “gyaru”
>an English gangster, like “mafia” or “yakuza”

Note that all these words simply come from the generic word for such a concept used regardless of the country of origin in the original language.

Japanese does say have words like “和服” for “traditional Japanese clothes” or “和食” for “traditional Japanese food”, but the difference is that this isn't “any food whatsoever made in Japan”. Someone in France making sushi is still “和食” and someone in Japan making curry is not.
Nah MTL definitively does "dictionary level mistakes", especially now that JP > EN dictionaries got sabotaged.
I'm sure it does it at least once, but it does it far less than human translators, at least Jp->En translation.

It's scary how accepted this is. How in professional subs it's still full of “anime” instead of “cartoon”, “sake” instead of “alcohol” and the odd mention of “hamburger” al the time. In fact, it got worse and worse and worse over time.

Do you think that childhood friends in isekai deserve second chances for their gargantuan screw ups or is it too late for them for redemption?
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Not even sure what your point is, FFA takes itself seriously.
That's the one with Ramza. It's not isekai.
Then why the fuck are there so many there? Do they even all have enough of a personality to matter?
Why are Japanese authors afraid to mention the moonies?
Considering Cloud, is it reverse-isekai?

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Spin offs like Little Army 2 deserve more. Emi's story arc was good, and also Kilimanjaro was really interesting too. Wish we could see these characters and references for spin off content in Das Finale 5 and 6 as cameos/hommages
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those kouppai....
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I think its a mix of Phase Erika/anime/Der Film. Erika strikes me as a textbook tsundere
Only the softest titty for ze commander.
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for me, it's pic rel
Nurse Arisu.
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Truly this centuries greatest works

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Between yuri on ice and black butler, could we say that these two series brought about a new era of 801 homo anime.
It feels like these two are sort of a new and old wave respectively for the current era apart from stuff like Gravitation and such.
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Very necessary shots. Looking forward to the upcoming library scene too.
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Not husbands by I like the weird combination of these two. Pic related is a gemmy
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Iskandar remains my favorite.
Which Kamen Rider?

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Why do so many fans have a crush on Yoka?
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>ctrl+f "shuu"
it's that easy
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Next week's episode: twin-tails zombie girl missing the shuu shuu train
Who is that nibba
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Ep.5 PV
>They all decide to name the train Apogee, but after a small argument, Shizuru gets off the train. Pochi-san follows Shizuru, but gets separated from Nadeshiko and the others...

It's drama time.
I mean ep.6 sorry.

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Alright, it is Wednesday and I am gonna post the seventh volume of Ranma 1/2. Feel free to react or comment on any panel, though I appreciate if image replies are not used during the dump. Feel free to discuss anything Ranma 1/2 related after the dump.

Previous thread: >>265989139

Despite the OP image, I am using the latest Viz localization which does not feature this cover exactly as it is a 2-in-1 edition. Due to image limits, I will be dumping chapters by original volume. Be aware that some of the larger images have been edited to be lower quality due to image size limits.
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Where do I have seen somrthing like this before, it feels famili----- TAKAHASHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!11!!1 (Shiina)
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Sometime I wonder why he even want to be cured
Can you blame him?

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Who’s gonna show up next? Is there any chance that the villains join in to help the heroes?
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Make him a girl.
>He dresses normally?
yeah, if being half naked all the time and putting your body on display is "dressing normally"
>Like most guys
>Again like most guys
>Guys hang out more with guys than girls too you know
most guys are closeted, and your last point only proves that point further
any "straight" man who prefers the company of other men over women is secretly gay and are usually only using the women they date as masturbatory sex dolls while having actual romantic relationships with their "bros"
again, the Greeks were super duper uber gay and that only further proves the point
>most guys are closeted
why is this image cropped?

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Is Japan opening up to violence?
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Sara is the most boring though
she doesn't even put out fanservice
GBC reference
Can't escape the kantoku curse
The LN shit was superfluous fluff.

At its heart Imosae was pure gold. The tax episode. The fetish episode that ended with a literal credits sequence that showed which preference the production staff had. The TTRPG episode. The godly ED transitions. And flippy wigglers being a perfect girl. The imouto bath water filter at the very first episode. Etc.

Imosae was way better than it had any right to be. It was amazing.
Is it that easy to become a reseller?
Literally free money for no effort

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Episode 48, "Shine! The Glimmer of Fire and Art" is starting in a few hours, get in here for waku waku!
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>Colza, a Gym Leader from the Paldea region, will be making an appearance in the popular anime Pocket Monsters (airs on the TV Tokyo Network every Friday at 6:55pm, officially abbreviated "Anipoke") in episode 48 (airing on the 3rd). To celebrate this, Oricon News has interviewed his voice actress Kazuya Nakai about what makes Colza such an appealing character.

>Q: What was it like to play Colza again for the first time since episode 10?
>Nakai: In that episode, Colza was in pretty poor shape both physically and mentally, and while it was fun to play him as he'd suddenly make a bizarre switch from being super excited to super depressed, he was decidedly a lot easier to play in this new episode, where he actually acts like an adult, so to speak.

>Q: Have your impressions of Colza changed now that you've played him as he "acts like an adult"?
>Nakai: I've realized that he's not just a character that speaks from the heart when talking to children, but that he also makes an effort to show them "how things are". The last time I played him it was clear to me that everyone loved the man even though I didn't quite understand why, but this time around I finally got why. This changed my perception of the character as well.

>Q: Colza also battles Roy this episode, what kind of direction did you receive for that scene?
>Nakai: I played Colza as being happy to see Roy again and hoping that Roy would come to a realization during the battle. I think that over-eagerness resulted in him coming across as losing his temper with the children a bit too much during the battle (laughs). I was directed to sort out which lines were Colza expressing his personal emotions and which lines were him telling someone else something, and also to never lose sight of Colza's position as a person giving Roy guidance.
>Q: The episode also has a scene where Colza talks to Hassaku, one of the Elite Four members from the video games, doesn't it?
>Nakai: Yes, he has a line in the episode where he introduces Hassaku to Liko and the others, and because I was somewhat aware of the fact that the two of them go way back and that Hassaku is not just Colza's former teacher but also his best friend, I intially overemphasized how happy Colza was to get to talk to Hassaku so much that the sound director had to tell me "I don't care how happy you are, just get to the point and explain what's going on to Liko and the others"... (laughs). This was the first time I played Colza talking to another adult, and while the were parts of the conversation that got quite friendly, I worked with the sound director during the dubbing session to make sure he didn't talk too passionately in the parts where he wasn't supposed to, making adjustments as needed.

>Q: Colza's catchphrase "Avant garde!" is really striking, but is there anything about Colza you personally find to be avant garde?
>Nakai: You know how he always jumps off a windmill while yelling "Toh!" before battling? That's the kind of thing the super heroes I watched as a kid would've done, but when I hear it again all these years later, I feel like it's gone full circle and become avant garde. There's a lot of scenes in this episode I feel are more grounded than avant garde, though.

>Q: What scenes are these?
>Nakai: Scenes like the one where he thanks his Pokémon for doing a good job after the battle, for instance. Colza may be quite the eccentric, but he's a decent human being at heart and never goes out of line in that respect. In fact, I think that it's precisely because he feels these very ordinary emotions that he wants to break new ground as much as he does. When I think about how that might be the reason he's going around shouting "Avant garde!" all the time, the character starts feeling a lot cuter.
>Q: Finally, do you have something you want to tell to those who are looking forward to Colza's appearance in episode 48, which airs today, Friday May 3rd, or any highlights of the episode you want to emphasize?
>Nakai: While it makes me really happy that people have been waiting for Colza's return appearance after his lengthy absence, I guarantee nobody's been waiting for it more than I have. I had actually resigned myself to thinking he just wasn't going to ever appear again (laughs). The last time we saw Colza I'd say he came across as the kind of person you feel worried about, but this time around he has it all together. I did try to show how he's still kind of an oddball at the end of the day though, so I hope you'll find that aspect of him entertaining.
I'm ready for cute battle autism and waku waku
They're really going all out with the promotion of this episode, huh?

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what is your AOTS this season and why is it GBC?
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Thanks for the bump.
I'm pretty sure Redd*t doesn't even know this show exists
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They do since they were the ones arguing over subs for the first week.

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Weekly Oricon Ranking (by Series): Apr 22 - 28
01. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End - 161,967
02. Mashle: Magic and Muscles - 124,058
03. My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 - 105,197
04. [Oshi no Ko] - 93,850
05. Jujutsu Kaisen - 91,572
06. Kaiju No. 8 - 78,453
07. Black Butler - 78,080
08. Wind Breaker - 75,755
09. Blue Lock - 64,217
10. Honey Lemon Soda - 60,973

Weekly Oricon Ranking (by Volumes): Apr 22 - 28
01. My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 #9 {2024.04.23} - 97,174 / 99,377
02. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End #13 {2024.04.17} - 92,012 / 409,441

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Please god no. I actually like dandadan.
That's the kind of thing that draws attention.
Biggest issue with DDD is the story itself, the characters are actually fun but the author seems to be afraid of shaking up the status quo.
And the CONSTANT ntrbait, from both parts.
Oh i see
so that's why togashi is back.
shueisha is scrapping whetever they can.
Then they'd be begging wani to come back with something fun.
>Black Butler
>Wind Breaker

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Is the jerk off hand anime good?
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been a long time, but i vaguely remember this was compared to tokyo ghoul a lot. can anyone weigh in on this? for those that kept up with both, which was better?
>got over it
>what is ptsd
nah, he's fine
That said, there were a lot of shitty elements in the last third
>protect my baby
>immediately forgets about it after agent says it'll be handed off to someone else in the foster system
>oh shit, serial killer is locking in and might spot migi
>nah it's nothing, just a bullshit cliffhanger that meant nothing
>mayor being actually just human was the most underwhelming reveal of the whole series
>migi lived because the bad guy was somehow dumb enough to just absorb him (he didn't need any extra parasyte) instead of letting him die
>then migi decides to fuck off forever anyway, so it would've been better to just let him die in the noble sacrifice as the complete opposite of how he started out
Tbf its a very old anime
>all parasytes looks like they have down syndrome
Why is it so hard to distinguish them anyways?

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